At Sutton Park Dental Centre, we take pride in our work and aim to take on board all feedback to improve our services. We aim to make the patient journey as easy as possible. However, when complaints do arise, we aim to deal with them as quickly and efficiently as is reasonably possible.
It is the aim of this practice to ‘Have a Clear and Effective Complaints Procedure’ by meeting the GDC ‘Standards for the Dental Team’, to meet the NHS complaints requirements and deliver good practice in complaint handling. We have appointed Teresa Whitmore as our ‘Responsible Person’.
The practice has appointed a Complaints Manager, 'Katie Kartal' and our complaints procedure is on display in the waiting room.
A summary of our procedure is also available to patients in our patient leaflet. We follow a step-by-step programme to ensure that all matters are resolved within a timeframe outlined below. All patients are treated with respect, and the viewpoints of all parties involved are considered to ensure that the outcome is balanced, based on accuracy and transparency, with a satisfactory conclusion.
The person responsible for dealing with any complaint about the services provided is Katie Kartal- Complaints Manager and Patient Care Lead.
In the first instance, we will attempt to resolve complaints ‘locally’ (within the practice) via discussion with the patient; either face-to-face, by telephone: 01562 744840 or by email:
If the above can not be resolved during the first discussion, or the matter is put in writing, the matter will be passed on to the above person to deal with directly. Any complaints discussing clinical care, charges relating to treatment, or the like, will be discussed with the treating dentist.
Katie may also seek guidance from Dr. Teresa Whitmore (Principal Dentist) to clarify any disputes, and to ensure that they accord with Sutton Park Dental Centre policy and NHS guidelines.
Confirmation will be made in writing, either via letter or email, to acknowledge the complaint within 3 working days, providing the patient with an outline of procedures, and a fair time frame to allow us to make thorough investigations, and to provide an outcome through to resolution.
We then seek to investigate the complaint within 10 working days of receipt, to clarify the circumstances leading to and around the complaint itself.
We aim to complete all investigations within 12 weeks of receiving the complaint. However, depending on the severity, or need for further investigation, this may take longer. The complainant will be informed of this.
Once all investigations are complete, a comprehensive report will be written, detailing the outcomes reached, any specific improvements the practice needs to make in accordance with best practice guidelines, any further outcomes (such as disciplinary action), and whether the practice has achieved a mutually satisfactory outcome with the patient.
All complaints are filed and retained for a minimum of two years.
If any patient is still unhappy with the outcome, they will be given the opportunity to express their concerns to other agencies outlined below.
NHS England. tel: 0300 311 22 33 for complaints about NHS treatment.
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank London SW1P 4QP. tel: 0345 015 4033 or
Call us now on 01562 744840 to book your Boutique appointment!